Last Known Contact

Israel Keyes and Missing Persons Info

Currier File -

Essex, VT Police Department

On 6/8/2011, William and Lorraine Currier disappeared from their home in Essex, VT; more than 43 weeks later, a devastating announcement was made.

NamUs 44 Map & Explanation

Israel Keyes's computer contained pictures of more than 40 missing persons including Susan Powell, Asha Degree, and Alexis Patterson. See the FBI's report and our map of each person's last location.

Israel Keyes's Suicide Note - Restructured

We reformatted and color-coded Keyes's suicide note to illustrate its complex rhyme scheme. It forms a surprisingly cohesive narrative with timely pop culture references. Special thanks to Somewhere In the Pines for their collaboration!

Israel Keyes committed suicide on 12/2/2012, leaving behind a four-page suicide note - viewable here in its entirety. With no "official" transcription, the FBI advises people to draw their own conclusions about its contents.

Resource Library & Helpful Links

The Israel Keyes case has led the FBI to publish more  information than anyone can process. We hope these links will help your research into him while generating much-needed interest in finding missing persons. 

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